Session: Pricing


  • To understand what information is necessary for pricing; and
  • To become able to set prices that bring you profit


  • Pricing method 1: cost focus
  • Pricing method 2: competitor comparison
  • Pricing method 3: customer centric
  • Advance of setting a price

Duration: Total 90 minutes

  • Opening (15 minutes)
  • Pricing method 1: cost focus (10 minutes)
  • Pricing method 2: competitor comparison (20 minutes)
  • Pricing method 3: customer centric (20 minutes)
  • Advance of setting a price (20 minutes)
  • Closing (5 minutes)


In this video, we are going to review a subject on pricing. In this subject, we are going to learn what information is necessary for pricing, and how to set prices that bring you profit. We explain three pricing methods.