Session 1: Life course planning


  • To understand financial requirement in relation with life event
  • To sensitize and identify own financial needs for life event now and in future


  1. Case story; Read the story of female home based worker in rural Sindh of her life course (case story of Ayesha).
  2. Life course event; List up the major life events which require financial resources, think how much money is required for managing those event, and discuss how they manage these financial requirements.
  3. Role play; Select 2 volunteers from participants to perform role play. 
  4. Conclusion; Discuss with participants what they learnt from role play. Summarize how they can prepare financial requirement in their life course

Duration: Total 55 minutes

  • Introduction (10 mins)
  • Development -Case story, Life course work, Role play (40 mins)
  • Conclusion (5 mins)

Case story of Ayesha