To understand and analyze income and expenditure of family (own) budget
To introduce simple recording format for household (own) account / business income and expenditure account
To give idea on how to plan family (own) budget with regards to future events and financial requirement
Introduction; Ask participants how many of them keep record of income and expenditure of household or own account. Ask participants how many of
them know or have idea how much they earn and spend in a month.
Games; Make a group and ask each member to play a role of family members. Give one card to each family of their monthly income. Distribute
cards of expenditure items and numbers. Ask them to pick up cards of expenditure item of household expected to be consumed for a month. Ask them to give the amount of each item of
expenditure. Make presentation of each group. Then, calculate the total amount of expenditure and balance to see if it is in deficit or not.
Importance of income and expenditure record keeping; Ask them what they found from the game exercise. Summarize the benefit of income and
expenditure record keeping.
Introduction of recording format: Explain the participants about each column of the recording format and how to fill in. Do mock exercise in
front of participants. Ask them to practice from now on.
Summary; Summarize benefit of income and expenditure recording again.
Duration: Total 65 minutes
Introduction (5 mins)
Development -Games, Importance of income & expenditure recording, Introducing the recording format (55 mins)