Session 5: Teamwork


  • To understand the advantage of teamwork
  • To exercise setting up working rules of a team


  1. Introductory question; Ask participants if they have ever worked as a team. Tell participants that BDG will be regarded as a team.
  2. Case stories; Show participants 2 illustrations, i.e. good example and bad example. Read the case stories. Discuss with them what they found in the case stories. 
  3. Game (Team building); The facilitator introduces balloon game to participants. After playing a game, the facilitator summarizes the key to win as a team.
  4. Roles and responsibilities of members; Case situation (Shop A gives order to BDG for 30 pieces of pillow cover within a month) Ask participants to consider this situation for their group and set up common goals of a team, list up tasks and divide roles of members to achieve this goal. Ask participants to set up rules for a team.
  5. Conclusion; Facilitator discuss and ask participants to follow the appropriate rules set by them.

Duration: Total 70 minutes

  • Introduction (10 mins)
  • Development -Case story, Team building game, Roles and responsibilities of members (55 mins)
  • Conclusion (5 mins)