Session 7: Time Management


  • To understand importance of meeting deadline of delivering products
  • To sensitize about time required to develop particular products 
  • To improve time management (plan and organize their work and personal life within limited time framework) for delivering products on time


  1. Own experience; Ask participants what they think about time management? Ask participants if they have experience of not meeting deadline in the past.
  2. Case story 1 (bad example); Tell the short case story to participants. The case story of Ayesha who could not handle the delivery deadline properly. Ask participants what Ayesha should have done for this case?
  3. Planning work and deadline; Ask participants to list up necessary steps for completing 100 pieces of pillow cover in 2 weeks supposing you were Ayesha. Ask them to give time and days required for each step.
  4. Case story 2 (Good example); Tell the short case story to the participants. The story of Ayesha who could manage to meet the deadline of the delivery of order. Ask participants what was good with Ayesha.
  5. Summary; Summarize tips for managing time.

Duration: Total 65 minutes

  • Introduction (5 mins)
  • Development -Own experience, Case story 1-Bad example, Planning work and deadline, Case story 2-Good example (50 mins)
  • Conclusion (10 mins)

Time management: Bad case story

Time management: Good case story