Session 8: Women and Career


  • To broaden concept of women and occupation of FHBWs and their family
  • To give idea how to take up those occupations
  • To link with their life course plan with career planning


  1. Introductory question; Ask participants what type of employment opportunities are available for women in their village. 
  2. Appropriate occupation for women: Ask participants what appropriate occupations for women are in their mind.
  3. List of occupation; Show the list of occupation described in the Panaflex. Ask participants to pick up two of them which they wish to listen in details.
  4. Case story; Read the story of two occupation that the participants selected. Discuss potential challenges and benefit of those occupations.
  5. Linking up with life course planning; Ask participants to recall their life course planning and encourage them to link with career planning and life course planning.
  6. Summary; Ask the feedback from the participants and summarize possibility of range of opportunity for women.

Duration: Total 70 minutes

  • Introduction (5 mins)
  • Development -Obstacles for pursuing career, List of occupations, Challenges and benefits of women’s occupation, Career opportunity and life course planning (60 mins)
  • Conclusion (5 mins)