To understand financial requirements regarding life events.
To sensitise and identify current and future financial needs for one’s life events.
Case story; Show the video of the story of FHBW in urban Sindh regarding her life course.
Life course event; Ask participants to list the major life events that necessitate financial resources. The facilitator will make document the
event on a flip chart. Ask participants how much money will be needed to manage the event. Discuss how they fulfil these financial obligations.
Role play; Select two participants as volunteers for the role play. Explain the script and provide the script in writing. Request they
Boond Boond Darya; Introduce the booklet ‘Boond Boond Darya’ and explain how o fill life event page.
Conclusion; Discuss with participants what they have learnt from the role play. Summarize how they can prepare financial requirement in their
life course.
Duration: Total 55 minutes
Introduction (10 mins)
Development -Case story, Life course work, Role play (40 mins)