Social Business Promotion Training

Purpose To help users understand social business as a special form of business that focus on social goals but also is concerned with profitability.
Target users The students having around 10 to 12 years of education and are currently enrolled in an institute of higher learning (university) or a vocational college


The following orientation video guides you how to use this training website. For the concept of this training, please see the user guide as well. 

User Guide (English)

User Guide (Urdu)

The self-learning training course

Social Business Promotion Handbook

About the details of the tool, such as contents, learning conditions, and supporting system, please see Social Business Promotion Handbook. 

This handbook is a compilation of the experience in supporting income generation pilot activities in Sukkur as teaching materials for business school students interested in social enterprises.

Handbook (English)

Handbook (Urdu)

The income generation activities

The income generation activities have succeeded in developing a high-end market by having a business development expert design products that meet the tastes of the high-end domestic market while taking into account the technical limitations of the FHBWs, and by providing technical guidance and quality control to the women.

This initiative is a good example of inclusive business with low-income women as producers.

Summary Video

Supplemental video